Who will I become after the Hanuman Gada Level 1 Challenge ?

Watch this video till the end for complete clarity on how to obtain constant grace of Hanuman through Gada Sadhana. Guruji answers in detail.

(Video length: 1 Hr 45 minutes)

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When you apply for the Hanuman Gada Level 1 Challenge, our Margadarshak will ask you about your top 3 learnings from this video as part of the selection process. So make sure to take notes if needed.

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Please click on the button above for the next steps after watching the video fully.

(Our Margadarshak will respond to your message anytime within 2 hours to 48 hours. So please be patient.)

Next batch starts on 3rd March. The last date to finish the 3-day selection process is 28th February

This video also answers the following Questions:

  • What is the difference between Hanuman Sadhana and Hanuman Bhakti?
  • What should be the path of a Hanuman Sadhaka?
  • Why is Hanuman Gada practice a part of Hanuman Sadhana?
  • Can people with health issues practice Hanuman Gada?
  • What are the subtle enemies of today’s world (Kaliyuga)?
  • Should Seva be a part of Sadhana?
  • How can the lessons and learnings of practices be used to create positive social change?
  • What is the relationship between a Guru and a Sisya?
  • What kind of students find success in Hanuman Sadhana?
  • How can one tackle the obstacles and challenges while following the Hanuman Guru Maryadas?
  • What are the Guru Maryadas designed for a modern day life? What is the source of Hanuman’s knowledge and wisdom?
  • How is Hanuman an archetype model of Happiness?
  • How can someone have a subtle body like that of great yogis or like Hanuman?
  • Why are discipline and sadhana so powerful when done in the morning?
  • What is our connection to our Itihasa?
  • Will the practice of Hanuman Sadhana ward off the subtle senses of Bhoot, Pisaachas, evil eye, etc.?
  • Why is the sexual discipline of Virya Labha needed in the Sadhana?
  • Can all kinds of addictions be helped to quit from the sadhana?
  • Can Hanuman Sadhana get rid of Astrological doshas?
  • Is vegetarianism appropriate in Hanuman Sadhana?
  • Should you do Hanuman Gada practices if you have done the 64-day challenge?
  • What is the offer and how to register?
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